Four pilots, one main goal
Project implementation involves testing the validity of the IPS Holistic Framework in real environment. Four pilot cases from Austria, Croatia, Greece, and Malta will be the test bed for the Framework with services that represent a different potential interpretation of the IPS Holistic Framework.
Reengineering and digitalization of the issuing and renewal procedure of the disabled citizens discount cards for public transportation in Region of Thessaly
Co-creation roadmaps will be used to digitalise the renewal of disability card, which currently involves many authorities and the physical presence of more than 11,500 disabled low-income citizens
- government as a platform
- government as a service
- inclusive, better (and ethical) public service
- people with disabilities
- mobile communication with apps
- guidance for co-creation
- once-only principle
- digital-by-default principle
- user centricity
- sustainability business plan
- process management
- web accessibility directive

Region of Thessaly
Use case problem statement
Disabled low-income citizens, suffering over 67% disability, are eligible for being granted a card from the Greek Regions in order to travel free with inner-city public transportation means and to pay half price of the price of all tickets of inter-city public transportation. For issuing of the discount card a disabled citizen must submit a list of required documents to the competent department of the Regional Unit Authority where she/he lives. Additionally, the discount card must be renewed every year according to the relevant annual Ministerial Decision. Thus, disabled citizens have to visit every year the premises of the competent department of the Regional Unit where they live in order to renew their card.
Concerning the facts that: (a) some of these citizens may live far away from the premises of the competent public authority, (b) some of them may be quite old and (c) some of them may have serious health issues, it is evident that this annual renewal procedure introduces significant administrative burden. Additionally, some disabled citizens may not be aware of this benefit and consequently they do not even apply for a discount card, although they may be eligible.
The aim of this pilot is to use the inGov IPS co-creation roadmaps, guidelines and governance models as well as the ICT platform and tools that will be developed, in order to reengineer and simplify this public service (PS) in collaboration with all stakeholders. Ultimately, this PS will be provided proactively as a co-created IPS exploiting emerging technologies, especially mobile apps, thus reducing administrative burden

Use Case Definition & Design
Public Service Consumers (Beneficiaries): Disabled low-income citizens, suffering over 67% disability, that are permanent residents of Greece. The pilot will be implemented within the Region of Thessaly, which is a consortium partner, where the beneficiaries are currently 8,090 citizens, and the Region of Epirus, which has provided a letter of support, where the beneficiaries are currently over 3,000 citizens.
AS-IS: In order a disabled low-income citizen to be registered as beneficiary, the necessary input documents are: (a) a filled application form, (b) a valid health committee decision certifying the degree of disability, (c) her/his identity card, (d) a signed declaration of her/his permanent postal address (in parallel they must declare that she/he has not apply for a discount card to another Regional Unit or a Citizen Service Center, i.e. a one-stop shop of Greek public administration), (e) two recent photographs, (f) a document from the tax registry certifying her/his income.
Every year a relevant Ministerial Decision is issued. After that, every discount card owner must visit the competent department of the Regional Unit where she/he lives in order to renew her/his card. In case, her/his certificate of disability has expired, she/he has to bring the renewed disability certificate to the competent department.
Every year, the competent authority must send a table including anonymized statistical data, concerning the beneficiaries of this benefit, to the Ministry of Labor, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity.

Region of Thessaly
TO-BE (Co-created Integrated PS description)
The issuing and renewal process of the disabled citizens discount cards for public transportation will be co-designed in order to be co-delivered proactively as an IPS through a mobile app.
Stakeholders of IPS co-creation: (a) disabled citizens, (b) Region of Thessaly, (c) Region of Epirus, (d) health certification committee, (e) Ministry of Labor, Social Insurance and Social Solidarity, (f) Ministry of Interior (owning the Citizens Registry).
Existing Data: Disabled citizens data are sensitive data; thus, it would be treated properly according to general data protection regulation (GDPR). Required citizens‟ data will be mainly acquired from: (a) the Greek Citizens Registry, (b) health authorities that certify the degree of disability, (c) tax registry that certify the income and the permanent postal address of a potential beneficiary.
Existing models: In this pilot, the following inGov results will be utilised: (a) the inGov CPSV and IPS co-creation models along with Knowledge Graphs technologies; (b) the inGov IPS governance model (including organisational models, a roadmap and guidelines for IPS co-creation and delivery).
Possible obstacles: (a) resistance to change, (b) sensitive personal data interchange concerns.

The pilot could be reused from all Greek Regions as the Ministerial Decision concerns all Greek Regions and thus all Regions provide the same public service (benefit) to the disabled low-income citizens of every Regional Unit. In the inGov project, the regions of Thessaly and Epirus will collaborate hence providing the service to their citizens and also ensuring that the service is reused by all other Greek regions. The University of Macedonia will coordinate the Greek pilot.
Solutions to be explored/developed in the project: (a) a customised IPS co-creation governance model (including a roadmap and guidelines) based on inGov IPS co-creation governance model, (b) a mobile app for issuing and renewal of disabled low-income citizens‟ discount cards. The mobile app that will be developed, will be inclusive, will be delivered as a one-stop, integrated, PS and will adhere by design to digital-by-default and once-only principles. Its design and development will be based on the modular inGov platform, which supports the new IPS governance models based on emerging IT paradigms for accessible mobile and apps development. Additionally, the Web Accessibility Directive will be fully implemented and supported from the beginning of the design of the mobile-app.
Accessible Mobile technologies necessity: Mobile phones are used by most of the citizens and thus are suitable channels for public service delivery. The implementation of the Web Accessibility Directive will be supported by enhanced cooperation on digital accessibility between various stakeholders. This will result in scalable and more affordable accessibility solutions, as well as empowering all citizens in an inclusive way.
IPS co-creation governance necessity: Through the co-creation process the value for all stakeholders will be maximised. Additionally, transparency and trust to government will be promoted. Moreover, through the engagement of citizens to the co-creation of IPS delivery, awareness about this benefit will be increased and thus beneficiaries that were not aware of this benefit will be informed and have the chance to participate to the co-creation process.