The inGOV Project Holds a Sixth Plenary Meeting in Malta
13-14 June 2023
13-14 June 2023
The sixth inGOV Project Plenary Meeting was held in Malta on 13-14 June 2023, hosted by MITA.
The meeting provided the opportunity for members to take a focussed forward look at the project and review work done to date. 12 members physically attended the meeting in Malta with 13 members joining remotely.

There was a strong focus on collaboration at this exciting time in the project. Members worked closely together over the two days to support the maximisation of the project’s benefits, overcome specific challenges and mitigate risks across the project’s work packages.
On the first day members looked at progress that has been made across the project. Work was presented on the IPS holistic framework including a new IPS agile roadmap and specific areas that have been incorporated since partner input during the last plenary meeting in Rome. Members reviewed significant work done to date around the project’s ICT architecture work package and discussed opportunities to feed further knowledge and tools into the ICT Architecture and Tools Framework.
The pilot’s planning and evaluation work package lead, alongside partners from inGOV pilots across Austria, Greece, Croatia and Malta provided insightful updates from their different pilots with discussion around country specific challenges. Towards the end of the day, members took a focussed look at the project’s strategies for sustainability and participated in a productive interactive workshop on the development of sustainability strategies for co-creation projects.
After a successful first day, members enjoyed a typical Maltese meal in Valletta, Malta’s beautiful capital city.
During the second day of the plenary, discussion continued from day one with a deep dive look at current project risks and mitigation actions. Using their wealth of experience from a range of backgrounds, members worked together to share ideas around dissemination and exploitation opportunities for the inGOV project. The plenary closed with useful presentations and discussions about the project’s Ethics and Project Management work packages. It was an extremely productive two days with cross-country collaboration and joint working at its best. Plenary members look forward to the next phases in the project’s delivery.
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