The inGOV Project Holds Fifth Plenary Meeting: 31 January – 1 February 2023
The fifth inGOV Plenary Meeting took place at the turn of January and February 2023, in the Deloitte Offices of Rome. The meeting was hybrid, with seventeen physical participants and several colleagues joining online.
The fifth inGOV Plenary Meeting took place at the turn of January and February 2023, in the Deloitte Offices of Rome. The meeting was hybrid, with seventeen physical participants and several colleagues joining online.

These were two days full of insightful presentations and two interactive workshops, where inGOV partners had the chance of receiving updates on other work packages, but also of discussing together how to best solve potential roadblocks. The meeting was, indeed, a great way to kick-off the latest year of the project, where all remaining work packages will be wrapped up and will most probably bear their expected results.
On the first day, leaders of the work packages 2 to 5 presented the status of their work and the risks and challenges forecasted for the next period. In particular, the day started with a quick overview of the agenda and of the overall progress of the inGOV project. This was followed by a status update of WP3 (ICT architecture and tools) and WP4 (pilots planning and evaluation). In this occasion, pilots presented their progress and the plan for the upcoming co-creation activities with users. After a quick lunch, accompanied by informal interactions among partners, the final structure of the IPS Holistic Framework was presented by the leaders of WP2 and an interesting workshop, organized by DUK, was held with regard to the activities and definitions relevant for WP5 (sustainability and policy recommendations). The first day was then concluded by a typical social dinner in the historical center of Rome.
During the second day of the plenary, the remaining work packages, WP6 (dissemination and exploitation), WP7 (project management) and WP8 (ethics), presented their recent results and upcoming plans. However, the biggest slot was devoted to the IPS Holistic Framework & Pilot workshop, organized by the local host of the Deloitte team, where participants (both online and offline) were divided into four groups to brainstorm about strengths, challenges and solutions of four of the framework’s pillars: IPS governance, stakeholders’ engagement, IPS implementation and IPS Agile roadmap. Pilots, but also other partners, had thus the opportunity of sharing their experience in these four areas and reflect upon the most important actions needed to overcome the most common challenges. These inputs will serve as a further step to make the final version of the IPS holistic framework more detailed and practical with respect to its interim version (presented in D2.2). The plenary was then successfully concluded over a final, informal, goodbye lunch.
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