Get to know us – inGOV project overview
About the project – Overview
The aim of the inGov project is to develop and deploy a comprehensive IPS holistic framework and ICT mobile tools that will support IPS co-creation and governance. The project will enhance and, where needed re-design, existing EU solutions, including EIF, EIRA, Core Vocabularies etc.
Work Packages
Our entire work is divided into eight well-rounded and defined work packages. That way, we could organise our deliverables and timeframes with more efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, we invite you to browse around and explore all our work packages to learn more about their goals, deliverables, and expectations.
4 pilots
Project implementation involves testing the validity of the IPS Holistic Framework in real environment. Four pilot cases from Austria, Croatia, Greece, and Malta will be the test bed for the Framework with services that represent a different potential interpretation of the IPS Holistic Framework.
Modernisation and integration of the digital common family household public service with the once-only principle.
Develop virtual assistants that will provide universal access to all local services.
Develop a backbone that will be used to test IPS in areas such as tourism tax collection.