Work packages

Our entire work is divided into eight well-rounded and defined work packages. That way, we could organise our deliverables and timeframes with more efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, we invite you to browse around and explore all our work packages to learn more about their goals.

IPS enhanced models and needs elicitation


Key objectives are to identify and analyse EU eGov initiatives and policies using desktop research (e.g. Core Vocabularies, EIF, EIRA, Sharing and Reuse Framework), to identify and critically review existing IPS best practices using desktop research and multiple case study methodology including interviews, focus groups, surveys etc., to identify and critically review research work on relevant issues including emerging technologies (e.g. mobile apps development, AI, etc) with potential in IPS emphasising relevance to EU eGov values, to enhance existing PS and IPS conceptual models and to elicit stakeholders needs and considerations on IPS using interviews.

Work package leader